Valdosta Historic Preservation Commission


The purpose of the Valdosta Historic Preservation Commission is to protect, preserve, and promote the City's historic resources. The Historic Preservation Commission is empowered to regulate the demolition, relocation, or any material change to the exterior of historic resources and non-historic resources located in the Valdosta Local Historic District. Any exterior material changes, including the installation of signs, to properties within the Local Historic District must first receive a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) from the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC). The HPC is also tasked with several other responsibilities, including recommending historic properties for local historic designation. A full listing of the HPC's powers and duties can be found in the City of Valdosta Land Development Regulations, Chapter 238, Section 238-5.


Members of the Valdosta Historic Preservation Commission must reside within the City of Valdosta and shall include representation for each of the district subareas.  Members shall have demonstrated special interest, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation.  To the extent that such professionals are available in Valdosta, members shall be appointed from the disciplines of architecture, history, architectural history, historic preservation, planning, archaeology, or other disciplines related to historic preservation.  All seven members are appointed by the Mayor and Council and serve three-year terms.  One of the appointees must be a registered architect in order for the City to retain its status as a Certified Local Government with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.  Members of the Preservation Commission are voluntary in nature and are not compensated although they may be reimbursed for expenses incurred related to their duty.  Members of the Historic Preservation Commission will be expected to attend (once) monthly public Historic Preservation Commission meetings to review proposed applications for Certificates of Appropriateness.  Prior to each meeting, members are expected to review the Board Packet containing the upcoming cases and make a site visit to each proposed applicant’s site or building.  Members of the Historic Preservation Commission are expected to be familiar with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and the City of Valdosta Design Guidelines and to use these tools in making their decisions regarding current proposals.  Members shall attend one of the Georgia Alliance of Preservation Commission’s Historic Preservation Commission Training sessions held bi-annually within eight months of appointment.  Additionally, each member shall attend at least one historic preservation educational session on an annual basis. 

Click here for HPC member contact information

  • Laura Yale (Secretary) - Term Expires 02/13/25
  • Sally Querin- Term Expires 02/13/25
  • Dr. Harry Hamm - Term Expires 02/13/26
  • Tommy Crane - Term Expires 02/13/26
  • Celine Gladwin (Vice Chairman) - Term Expires 02/13/27
  • Charles Alex Alvarez (Chairman) - Term Expires 02/13/27
  • Sandie Burkett - Term Expires 02/13/27


The Valdosta Historic Preservation Commission meets the first Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the City Hall Annex Building, Multi-Purpose Room, located at 300 North Lee Street.  Meetings are open to the public.   View the 2024 Meeting Schedule.

Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) Applications

COA Applications need to be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Office by the 15th of any given month in order for the request to be decided by the HPC at the following month's meeting.  These applications will appear before the HPC for review on the first Monday of the following month. 

Interested in Serving

Any City resident interested in serving on the Historic Preservation Commission should submit a completed General Membership Application and a signed Code of Ethics Form to Teresa Bolden, City Clerk,  located in the City Manager and Mayor's office in City Hall, 216 East Central Avenue, Valdosta, GA 31601. 

More Information

For more information, please contact Teresa Bolden, City Clerk, at (229) 259-3503 or E-mail  or contact Jeff Brammer, Special Projects/HP Planner, at (229) 259-3563 or E-mail, or to learn more about Historic Preservation in the City of Valdosta, click here.