The City of Valdosta is committed to providing quick and easy access to city publications such as newsletters, reports, guides, and plans. Click on the links below to access recent and archived publications.
City Beat Newsletter
The annual City Beat Magazine is packed with information highlighting the city's activities and accomplishments from the previous year.
City Beat 2023 RECAP by Erica Thrift
Annual Report
The City of Valdosta Annual Report features city programs and services, financial information, and accomplishments of the previous calendar year. The annual report aims to inform citizens, elected officials, and various interested parties of the progress and accomplishments of our city government. View archived issues.
Annual Budget
The City of Valdosta continues to operate in a responsible manner, as detailed in the Adopted Annual Budget. Through clear and easily understood graphs, schedules, and accompanying narrative text, citizens are able to discern important economic trends, issues facing the city, and strategies used by city officials in pursuing economic and efficient solutions.
Water Quality Report
The Valdosta Utilities Department remains in compliance with all Drinking Water Standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and has provided safe, clean, good-tasting water for our customers. The annual Water Quality Report informs customers about where their water is obtained, how it is treated, and how it compares to the standards set by the regulatory agencies. Click here to view archived issues.

Valdosta City Hall
300 N. Lee Street
Valdosta, GA 31601