Frequently Asked Questions
What if I have COVID and I have a court date?
Valdosta Municipal Court is following City of Valdosta and CDC guidelines in regard to COVID 19. Masks are REQUIRED in the courtroom and at the clerk windows. Hand sanitizer is available at several locations in the courtroom, your temperature will be taken and social distancing guidelines must be adhered to. Social distancing is indicated in the courtroom by blue tape on the court benches. anyone refusing to abide by these safety measures will be removed from the courtroom
If you are ill, DO NOT come to court. Call the court at 229-293-3171 and a clerk will discuss what documentation will be required to reschedule your court date. These requirements are in place to promote the well-being of all defendants as well as court staff.
Is there a dress code for court?
Appropriate dress is required for your admission into the courtroom. Hats and head coverings (except for religious or medical reasons), shorts, and visible underwear are not permitted.
What items are prohibited in the courtroom?
Purses, backpacks, food, drink, cameras, recording devices, umbrellas, and all electronic devices including: phones, iPads, Kindles, tablets and laptop computers, are prohibited.
I have a trial scheduled and have evidence on my phone, iPad or other electronic device; may I bring it to court?
Any evidence to be presented in court should be printed out; however, if you are unable to print out materials, notify the lobby Bailiff that you have evidence on your electronic device. If you are allowed to bring your electronic device into court, it must remain off until your case is called.
May I bring my child?
In order for the court to operate in an orderly and efficient manner, distractions must be kept to a minimum. If there are unforeseen circumstances that require your child to accompany you to court, or your child is a witness in a trial, please notify the court in advance.
Where is court parking located?
Parking around the court building is restricted. In order to not receive a ticket, please pay careful attention to all signs. There are several areas with ample parking in the block behind the courthouse on the east side of Briggs Street. For a map of approved parking areas click here
What time does Court begin?
Arraignments, Solicitor Trials, and Pleas, and Environmental Courts all begin at 9:00 a.m. You must be on time. If you are scheduled for a Pre-Trial Conference, please check the paperwork you were given when you requested the conference.
I have to be at work, will my case be heard first?
Many individuals who must appear in court have work or school commitments. All cases are heard in the order which allows the court to be most efficient. We will be happy to provide you a document demonstrating you were in court which you may then take to your employer or school.
How can I pay my fine?
Court fines may be paid by VISA, MasterCard, cashier's check, money order or cash at the front desk of the Police Department 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Fines may also be paid by cashier's check or money order via mail. In addition, fines may be paid online using any major credit card. To pay online go here or call 1-800-701-8560. There is a fee for using the online payment system.
I missed my court date and a warrant or failure to appear was issued. What should I do?
If you missed a court date, contact the Valdosta Police Department at 242-2606 to find out how to resolve your Failure to Appear.

100 S. Oak Street, Valdosta, GA 31601